Fellowes Eppa Dual Monitor Arm White 9683501

The Fellowes Eppa Dual Monitor Arm White 9683501 is a metal arm designed to hold two monitors. It is white in color and measures 48.00 x 100.00 x 56.00 cm. The arm weighs 5.10 kgs and has a weight capacity of 1-8 kgs. It is sold in units of 2 and comes in a master carton with 2 units. The product weight is 1 kg and the shipping weight is also 1 kg. The product dimensions are 20cm (L) x 20cm (W) x ... more details
Key Features:
  • Dual monitor arm: Designed to hold two monitors, allowing for a more efficient and organized workspace.
  • Metal construction: The arm is made of metal, making it durable and sturdy.
  • White color: The arm is white in color, giving it a sleek and modern look.

R4 699.00 from The Gadget Shop SA

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Brand Unbranded
Manufacturer Unbranded
The Fellowes Eppa Dual Monitor Arm White 9683501 is a metal arm designed to hold two monitors. It is white in color and measures 48.00 x 100.00 x 56.00 cm. The arm weighs 5.10 kgs and has a weight capacity of 1-8 kgs. It is sold in units of 2 and comes in a master carton with 2 units. The product weight is 1 kg and the shipping weight is also 1 kg. The product dimensions are 20cm (L) x 20cm (W) x 20cm (H) and the shipping dimensions are the same.

Item H x W x D (cm):48.00 x 100.00 x 56.00
Item Weight (kgs):5.10
Units per Master Carton:2
Material Type:Metal
Qty Per Carton:2
Weight Capacity (kgs):1 - 8
Product/Packaging Information
Product Weight
1 kg
Product Dimensions
20cm(L) x 20cm(W) x 20cm(H)
Shipping Weight
1 kg
Shipping Dimensions
20cm(L) x 20cm(W) x 20cm(H)
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